Thursday, August 9, 2007

pH level

Warning: This may sound really corny to everyone out there but I don't know how else to put it.

My brother got placed in a company that he was very keen on today and I was feeling so happy that I started thinking about how happy I felt. Since the last book I read was Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows (now you know where I am heading...) , I felt I was happy enough to produce a Patronus. My pH level i.e. patronus Happiness level was very high (you can stop cringing now, that was the corniest part)

I was trying to recall the other times when I was this happy. They include the time when I was on a college trip with people who would later become my closest friends, when I was back home after two years and just relaxing lying on the rooftop and staring at the starry night with my closest friend, midnight ice cream walks with the "Delhi cousins" amongst others

Anyway, the point of this post to express how happy I am right now, sitting on the couch, listening to music and drinking tea. What a great, GREAT summer :)

1 comment:

8&20 said...

and that, my friend, is precisely the way you must continue to be!

peace out.